Management Team - iBoard LLC founding members are seasoned management executives, technologists and marketers who have an average of 30+ years of applicable experience, including successful startup and management of private and public entrepreneurial ventures.
- Christopher Gentile, President / CEO - Details
- Adam Nemitoff, Chief Technology Officer
has 20 years of professional Multimedia Software Development experience. At CCG MetaMedia Inc., Adam designed, and developed a camera-based Virtual Reality system for the PC called "REALWare VR", deployed around the world for entertainment, educational and advertising purposes. Nemitoff was the co-architect of Sorceron’s “Cauldron” modular-media authoring tool suite. As a consultant on a number of projects for various clients featuring advanced use of Multimedia technologies, Adam led development of a camera-based Virtual Reality system called “BThereVR” featuring real-time markerless tracking of the human body. Mr. Nemitoff has a B.S. in Computer Science, with an additional major in Cognitive Science, from Carnegie Mellon University.
- Gene Timmons, Chief Creative Officer - Details
- Robert Rohinsky, EVP Business Development - Details